Saturday, March 19, 2011

2012 Craze

Just finished watching a segment of a weekly t.v. show.
 I just got annoyed that a lot of people now a days are SO paranoid about the rumor that the Earth will explode next year... I just think that its just stupidity. Its just that why are they saying it'll explode next year?
Maybe the Malayan calendar stops at 2012 but there are just a MILLION possible reasons why it stopped there. Maybe the one who made it got tired. Or he asked his son to continue doing it but he's son needed to updated his blogger account then eventually forgot to continue it.Maybe he saw my youtube channel then got hooked to it. Maybe he got anoyed by the  Or maybe this or that or whatsoever. 
Just kiddin' about the blogger thing but what I'm just saying is that there are A LOT of possible reasons aside from the so-called END OF THE WORLD.  Just don't get too paranoid, people~ Relaxxx~~~~

Friday, March 18, 2011

Enchanted Kingdom With The KiTaNo!

So today, March 18, 2011, my friends Masashi, Paul and I went to Enchanted Kingdom!
We had a lot of fun there~ Just imagine we didn't come to school just to go to EK~
(P.S) We aren't doing anything in school anyway. We are just fed up of all those practices for graduation.

We left our place at around 9:30 then arrived in EK at exactly 11 o'clock. But since EK opens at 12 during weekdays, we had to wait outside.
Masashi & Paul in the backseat
Me in the front passenger's seat
At the ticketing booth

Masashi & I outside EK
While waiting outside 
Mr Enchanted
 When it reached 12 o'clock, we finally got in! We then started to ride all those possible rides. The following pictures will tell some parts of it.

Our first picture INSIDE EK
At the CR
RioGrande Rapids!
Lunch time @ Teriyaki Boy

Blizzard Ice Cream for desert
In one of the souvenir shops

To Riogrande Rapids
RioGrande Rapids that made us WET

Got wet so we NEEDED to buy a shirt
We needed to dry ourselves up so we ride a Ferris Wheel. PS. We had a paint ball fight so we have those orange paints
Snow Cones. I think its similar to the kakikori?
It made all our tongues blue. Blue Lemonade is the flavor BTW.

We then rode again some rides before finally going back home. :)
Though it was tiring, we really had fun~ It will probably be one of our first trips out of all those hundreds of trips we'll make in the future. In fact, this is just the start.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update! :D

Haven't been updating my blog for quite a long time~~
I guess its because I was too busy the past few weeks.
Exams. Lay-outing for the final school paper. Graduation Practices.. urrggh~~
Anyway... 2 Fridays more and we'll finally finish High school!

Formal Class Picture. Batch '10-'11

While eating lunch during our graduation practice @ Taal Vista

@ Taal Vista

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Passport Renewal Experience

Department of Foreign Affairs
So yesterday, February 12, 2011, I needed to go to the Department of Foreign Affairs to have my passport renewed

Our appointment was scheduled 11:30 but since we arrived alot earlier (10 o'clock), we just stayed in the nearby mall named S&R. I'm not really sure if its a mall though. It actually looks like a giant storage room with counters and price tags on every merchandise. Good thing that there was a place to buy food since I was really hungry when we arrived. The food there were really AWESOME!!!!!! I ate all the 4 foot-long Cinamon Churros (reminded me of Brazil), a quarter pound Cheese Burger, and approximately a liter of Coke (bottomless~~) . 

After eating our "late 2nd breakfast", we went back to the DFA building to get my passport fixed. It took about 4-5 hours of waiting before I got my picture taking(last step). Which means that we were on our way home around 4:30.. 

Ferrero Rocher golden stand

Corn free taste

 Heart Shaped Cookies! Perfect for Valentine's Day

A rare car here in the Philippines. An Audi!

Best Quarter Pound Cheeseburger I've ever eaten

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Making a Movie Is Really HARD!

Today we shoot some scenes for our movie (actually our project in Speech Class).
So my friends, Masashi, Paul, Patricia and I went straight to our shooting spot after school. We were supposed to have the scenes in the clubhouse of our village but unfortunately, there was a party so we we not able to shoot there. Instead, we just went to another place ,also inside our village, to shoot. Good thing is, I guess it became better to have those kinds of "action" scenes in there since there are alot of stunts we did on the grass that is almost impossible to do in the cement. These are some shots of us in that "set" ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Only Human Orchestral Version by me

I've uploaded a new video on YouTube yesterday in my new account.
Its not really a new one since I've made it last September 19 '10.
In the video, I'm playing the song entitled "Only Human" on the piano. I also put some backing tracks that I've made using various programs to make it sound like an orchestral version of it.
[If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel]